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Une année d'IUT et me voila toute changée.. j'ai confirmé des amitiés, terminé quelques projet cette année je la passerai aussi mais cette fois ci avec ma lialie.. preske 18 ans passés et bientôt la Bretagne, la mer, et les copains... ;o)


News of France

--> just for the Australian!

The American are exagerating what's happening in our country!

There is some cars which are destroyed, that's right, and many problems in the suburbs but the security is recoming....and Montdidier is too small to have those problems...

It's not very dangerous activities because there isn't any dead in all of the country( just cars in fire and estroyed and fire in markets in the midnight so without any people!)

That's just young people who whow their thoughts and their misunderstandind of what's doing and what's deciding the government for many things!!!

The American Tv had said what they wanted to say, there is no invasion or insurection here!!!

all is right here!!!

written by Clemallis, le Mercredi 23 Novembre 2005, 13:18 in "[grands blablas...]".
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