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Day to day...
Une année d'IUT et me voila toute changée.. j'ai confirmé des amitiés, terminé quelques projet cette année je la passerai aussi mais cette fois ci avec ma lialie.. preske 18 ans passés et bientôt la Bretagne, la mer, et les copains... ;o)


'cause life's like this...

my age, the edge of reason, complicated , the begining of real important times which'll turn my life in something i'll enjoy or expect...those times which aren't so easy even for those who're whatching, around without any possibility of interfering...this age during which u are the captain of the ship, during which u're the only one whose opinion shouldn't be arranged and manipulate as loud as it could be in society in those days...
school, love, strength, feelings, adults, pupils, classmates, hobbys, family,...everyone can't be carryin' everytime everyday that's the point, who should be carryin' u?! u, even if u're not prepared as better as u can?!even if u're not enoough grown up?!!
choices reveal ur personnality 'n' ur goin' through events.
Try to take the best ones!!!
written by ch'tite fourmie, le Samedi 30 Juin 2007, 23:03 in "[grands blablas...]".
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